About Weston, Wisconsin

About the Town of Weston, WI

Weston is a town located in the county of Dunn in the state of Wisconsin. Its population at the 2010 census was 639 and a population density of 15 people per km². After 10 years in 2020 city had an estimated population of 638 inhabitants.

Town Board Members

Bruce Podoll, Chairman
Gavin Styer, Supervisor I
Curtis Heit, Supervisor II
Cindy Wang, Treasurer
Pat Pickerign, Clerk

Plan Commission Members

David Styer, Chairman
Ann Webb, Secretary
Neil Weber
Mark Falteisek
Bill Ockler

Solid Waste and Recycling

New Passes for 2022 will be coming with the 2021 Tax Bills. Contact the Treasurer for tax bill address corrections. The more recycling Pitt Lake receives instead of garbage, the lesser the cost to the town. Please recycle.


7 AM - 12 PM  |  SATURDAYS

N2723 440TH ST
(Outside of Downsville)

Replacement Passes - $20
Out of Town Passes - $200

We are now taking Fridge and Freezer Cardboard, pop and beer boxes. Please place Empty aerosol cans in steel bin only

We are now accepting hearing aids, glasses, cell phones and sharps - Lions Club will manage 

At the August 27th meeting with the county, The county informed the municipalities that the waste and recycling program for each town household would have had to pay $329.15 per year. That is $85/person. They have since reported in newspapers and handouts at the site that it was $68/person or $170/household.

The town held an Emergency meeting on August 31, 2020 where the town board voted to pull out of the Dunn Co. Solid Waste and Recycling Program and take over the Dump Site at N2723 440th St for all households. This decision created many meetings to determine haulers, town cooperation with other government(s) and RU paperwork responsibilities.

On September 22, the Town of Dunn signed an agreement with the Town of Weston to use the site. Town of Weston will bring in more per capita and reduce the cost of the program. 

Beginning January 1, 2021, Pitt Lake will provide Garbage and Recycling services at N2723 440th St, Menomonie, WI.  Depending on when renovations can be completed to the site, there will be 3 compactors for dual stream recycling and garbage.